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Prof. Dr. Maarten van Zalk

Tel.: +49 541 969-7740

Raum: 75/249
Schlagworte Forschungsexpertise

49076 Osnabrück


Wintersemester 2024/25
Entwicklung und Kultur (V)
Entwicklungspsychologie I (V)
Entwicklungspsychologie II (V)
Forschungskolloquium - Methodenlehre, Sozial- und A+O Psychologie Promotionskolloquium
Kolloquium I (3)
Studienprojekt (3)


01/10/2017 - present: Head of Developmental Psychology, Osnabrück University (W3-Professur)

01/04/2015 - 01/10/2017: Visiting Professor, Oxford University, United Kingdom

01/04/2015 - 01/10/2017: Visiting Professor, Münster University, Germany 

01/09/2013 - 01/01/2016: VENI Fellow, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

01/09/2010 - 31/12/2016 : Associate Professor in Psychology, Örebro University, Sweden (tenured)

01/09/2009 - 01/09/2010: Marie Curie Post Doctoral Researcher, Örebro University, Sweden

01/03/2005 - 31/08/2009: PhD Researcher, Utrecht University, the Netherlands     


NOTE: Last name changed from “Selfhout”to “Van Zalk” in 2009



Shani, M., De Lede, S., Richters, S., Kleuker, M., Middendorf, W., Liedtke, J., Witolla, S. & Van Zalk, M. (2023). A social network intervention to improve adolescents’ intergroup tolerance via Norms of Equality-Based Respect: The “Together for Tolerance” Feasibility Study. International journal of developmental science, 17(1–3), 93–110.

Scharbert, J.*, Reiter, T.*, Sakel, S.*, ter Horst, J.*, Geukes, K., Gosling, S. D., Harari, G. M., Kroencke, L., Matz, S., Schoedel, R., Shani, M., Stachl, C., Talaifar, S., Aguilar, N. M. A., Amante, D., Aquino, S. D., Bastias, F., Biesanz, J. C., Bornamanesh, A., . . . Back, M. D. (2023). A global experience-sampling method study of well-being during times of crisis: The CoCo project. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 17(10), e12813.

Kauff, M., Kotzur, P. F., Van Assche, J., Schäfer, S. J., van Zalk, M. H., & Wagner, U. (2023). A longitudinal test of secondary transfer effects of negative intergroup contact and mediating processes. European Journal of Social Psychology.

Back, M. D., Branje, S. J. T., Eastwick, P. W., Human, L. J., Penke, L., Sadikaj, G., Slatcher, R. B., Thielmann, I., van Zalk, M. H. W., & Wrzus, C. (2023). Personality and social relationships: What do we know and where do we go. Personality Science, 4, 1-32.



De Moor, E. L., Cheng, T.-Y., Spitzer, J. E., Berger, C., Carrizales, A., Garandeau, C. F., Gerbino, M., Hawk, S. T., Kaniušonytė, G., Kumru, A., Malonda, E., Rovella, A., Shen, Y.-L., Taylor, L. K., van Zalk, M., Branje, S., Carlo, G., Padilla-Walker, L., van der Graaff, J. (2022). What should I do and who’s to blame? A cross-national study on youth’s attitudes and beliefs in times of COVID-19. PLOS ONE, 17(12), Article e0279366.

Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2022). The true role that suppressor effects play in condition-based regression analysis: None. A reply to Fiedler (2021). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(4), 884–888.

Padilla-Walker, L. M.,  Van der Graaff, J., Workman, K., Carlo, G. , Branje, S., Carrizales, A., Gerbino, M., Gülseven, Z., Hawk, S. T., Kanacri, P. L., Mesurado, B., Samper-García, P., Shen, Y. L., Taylor, L. K., Trach, J., van Zalk, M. H. W., Žukauskienė, R. (2022). Emerging adults’ cultural values, prosocial behaviors, and mental health in 14 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 46(4), 286–296.

Friehs, M.-T., Kotzur, P. F., Böttcher, J., Zöller, A.-K. C., Lüttmer, T., Wagner, U., Asbrock, F., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2022). Examining the Structural Validity of Stereotype Content Scales – A Preregistered Re-Analysis of Published Data and Discussion of Possible Future Directions. International Review of Social Psychology35(1), 1.

Bracegirdle, C., Reimer, N. K., van Zalk, M., Hewstone, M., & Wölfer, R. (2022). Disentangling contact and socialization effects on outgroup attitudes in diverse friendship networks. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(1), 1–15.

van Zalk, M. H. W., Kotzur, P. F., Schmid, K., Al Ramiah, A., & Hewstone, M. (2021). Adolescent development of interethnic attitudes following a social intervention to increase intergroup contact: The moderating role of affective forecasting. Developmental Psychology, 57(6), 1000–1017.



van Zalk, M. H. W., Kotzur, P. F., Schmid, K., Al Ramiah, A., & Hewstone, M. (2021). Adolescent development of interethnic attitudes following a social intervention to increase intergroup contact: The moderating role of affective forecasting. Developmental Psychology, 57(6), 1000–1017.

Kros, M. Jaspers, E., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2021). Avoidance, antipathy, and aggression: A three-wave longitudinal network study on negative networks, status, and heteromisos. Social Networks, 64, 122-133.



van Zalk, M. H. W., Nestler, S., Geukes, K. Hutteman, R., & Back, M. D. (2020). The codevelopment of extraversion and friendships: Bonding and behavioral interaction mechanisms in friendship networks. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(6), 1269-1290. 

van Zalk N, van Zalk M (2020). Early adolescent disclosure and parental knowledge regarding online activities: Social anxiety and parental rule-setting as moderators, Current Psychology, 39, 287-298.



Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., Küfner, A. C. P., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2019). Is accurate, positive, or inflated self-perception most advantageous for psychological adjustment? A competitive test of key hypotheses. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116(5)835–859. 

Kotzur, P. F.*, Friehs, M.-T.*, Asbrock, F., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2019). Stereotype content of refugee subgroups in Germany. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(7), 1344-1358. 
*Shared first authorship 

van Zalk, N. & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2019). Longitudinal links between adolescent social anxiety and depressive Symptoms: Testing the mediational effects of cybervictimization. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 50, 186-197. 



Hewstone, M., Ramiah, A. A., Schmid, K., Floe, C., van Zalk, M. H. W., Wölfer, R., & New, R. (2018). Influence of segregation versus mixing: Intergroup contact and attitudes among White-British and Asian-British students in high schools in Oldham, England. Theory and Research in Education, 16, 179–203.


Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2018). Enhanced versus simply positive: A new condition-based regression analysis to disentangle effects of self-enhancement from effects of positivity of self-view. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114, 303-322.


Humberg, S., Dufner, M., Schönbrodt, F. D., Geukes, K., Hutteman, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Denissen, J. J. A., Nestler, S., & Back, M. D. (2018). Why condition-based regression analysis (CRA) is indeed a valid test of self-enhancement effects: A response to Krueger et al. (2017). Collabra: Psychology, 4, 26.



Geukes, K., van Zalk, M., & Back, M. D. (2017). Understanding personality development: An integrative state process model. International Journal of Behavioral Development42(1), 43-51.


Geukes, K., van Zalk, M. H. W., & Back, M. D. (2017). Analyzing processes in personality development. In J. Specht (Ed.). Personality development across the lifespan, 455-472. Academic Press.


Khoreva, V., Vaiman, V., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2017). Talent management practice effectiveness: Investigating employee perspective. Employee Relations, 39(1), 19-33.


Mahmoodi, J., Leckelt, M., van Zalk, M. H. W., Geukes, K., & Back, M. D. (2017). Big Data approaches in social and behavioral science: Four key trade-offs and a call for integration. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 18, 57-62.



Khoreva, V., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2016). Antecedents of work engagement among high potential employees. Career Development International, 21(5)459-476.


Wölfer, R., van Zalk, M. H. W., Schmid, K., & Hewstone, M. (2016). Developmental dynamics of intergroup contact and intergroup attitudes: Long-term effects in adolescence and early adulthood. Child Development, 87(5), 1466–1478. 



Abdelzadeh, A., Öydemir, M., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2015). Dissatisfied citizens: An asset to or a liability on the democratic functioning of society? Scandinavian Political Studies, 38(4), 410-436.


van Zalk, M. H. W., & van Zalk, N. (2015). Violent peer influence: The roles of self-esteem and psychopathic traits. Development and Psychopathology, 27(4pt.1)1077-1088.


van Zalk, M. H. W., & Denissen, J. (2015). Idiosyncratic versus social consensus approaches to personality: Self-view, perceived, and peer-view similarity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 109(1)121-141.


van Zalk, N., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2015). The importance of perceived care and connectedness with friends and parents for adolescent social anxiety. Journal of Personality, 83(3)346-360.



Dahl, B. V., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2014). Peer networks and the development of illegal political behavior among adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 24(2)399–409.


van Zalk, M.H.W. & Kerr, M. (2014). Developmental trajectories of prejudice and tolerance toward immigrants from early to late adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43(10)1658-1671.


van Zalk, M. H. W., van Zalk, N., Kerr, M., & Stattin, H. (2014). Influences between online-exclusive, conjoint and offline-exclusive networks: The moderating role of shyness. European Journal of Personality, 28(2), 134-146.



Veenstra, R., Dijkstra, J. K., Steglich, C., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2013). Network-behavior dynamics. Special Issue of the Journal of Research on Adolescence, 23(3), 399-412.


van Zalk, M. H. W., Kerr, M., van Zalk, N. & Stattin, H. (2013). Xenophobia and tolerance in adolescence: Cross-influence processes in friendships. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 41, 627-639.



Dufner, M., Denissen, J. J. A., van Zalk, M. H. W., Matthes, B., Meeus, W. H. J., van Aken, M. A. G., & Sedikides, C. (2012). Positive intelligence illusions: On the relation between intellectual selfenhancement and psychological adjustment. Journal of Personality, 80(3)537-572.


Kerr, M., van Zalk, M. H. W., Stattin, H. (2012). Psychopathic traits moderate peer influence on delinquency. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53(8)826-835.



Denissen, J., Schönbrodt, F., van Zalk, M. H. W., van Aken, M., & Meeus, W. (2011). Antecedents and consequences of peer-rated intelligence. European Journal of Personality, 25(2)108–119.


Deuling, J., Denissen, J., van Zalk, M. H. W., Meeus, W., & van Aken, M. (2011). Perceived influence in groups over time: How associations with personality and cognitive ability can change over time. Journal of Research in Adolescence, 45(6)576-585.


van Zalk, M. H. W., Branje, S., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Meeus, W. (2011). Who benefits from chatting, and why? The roles of extraversion and supportiveness in online chatting and emotional adjustment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(9), 1202-1215.


van Zalk, N., Kerr, M., van Zalk, M. H. W. & Stattin, H. (2011). Socialization of social anxiety in adolescent crowds. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39, 1239-1249. 


van Zalk, N., van Zalk, M. H. W., Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. (2011). Social anxiety as a basis for friendship selection and socialization in a youth social network. Journal of Personality, 79(3)499-525. 


ter Bogt, T., Christenson, P., van Zalk, M. H. W., Delsing, M., Meeus, W. (2011). Intergenerational continuity of taste: The relationship between parental and adolescent music preferences. Social Forces, 90(1)297-319. 



Denissen, J., Neumann, L., & van Zalk, M. H. W. (2010). How the internet is changing the implementation of traditional research methods, people's daily lives, and the way in which developmental scientists conduct research. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34(6)564-575.


van Zalk, M. H. W., Branje, S. J. T., Kerr, M., & Stattin, H. (2010). It takes three: Selection, influence, and de-selection processes of depression in adolescent friendship networks. Developmental Psychology, 46(4), 927-938. 


van Zalk, M. H. W., Kerr, M. Branje, S., & Stattin, H. (2010). Peer contagion and adolescent depression: The role of failure anticipation. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 39(6)837-848.


Selfhout, M. H. W., Burk, W., Branje, S., Denissen, J. J. A., van Aken, M. A. G., & Meeus, W. (2010). Emerging late adolescent friendship networks and Big Five personality traits: A social network perspective. Journal of Personality, 78(2)509-538.



Mulder, J., Klugkist, I., van de Schoot, R., Meeus, W., Selfhout, M. H. W., & Hoijtink, H. (2009). Bayesian model selection of informative hypotheses for repeated measurements. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 53(6)530-546.


Selfhout, M. H. W. (2009). Me, myself, and you: Friendships in adolescence. Germany, Frankfurt: Lambert Academic Publishing.


Selfhout, M. H. W., Branje, S., ter Bogt, T., Delsing, M., & Meeus, W. (2009). Different types of Internet use, depression, and social anxiety: The role of perceived friendship quality. Journal of Adolescence, 32(4), 819-833. 


Selfhout, M. H. W., Branje, S., & Meeus, W. (2009). Developmental trajectories of perceived friendship intimacy, constructive problem solving, and depression from early to late adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 37, 251-264. 


Selfhout, M. H. W., Branje, S., ter Bogt, T., & Meeus, W. (2009). The role of music preferences in the formation and stability. Journal of Adolescence, 32, 95–107. 


Selfhout, M. H. W., Denissen, J., Branje, S., & Meeus, W. (2009). In the eye of the beholder: Perceived, actual, and peer-rated similarity in personality, communication, and friendship intensity during the acquaintanceship process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96(6)1152-1165. 



Denissen, J., Geenen, R., Selfhout, M. H. W., & van Aken, M. (2008). Single-item Big Five ratings in a social network design. European Journal of Personality, 22(1)37-54.


Selfhout, M. H. W., Branje, S., & Meeus, W. (2008). The development of delinquency and perceived friendship quality in adolescent best friendship dyads. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 36, 471-485.  


Selfhout, M. H. W., Branje, S., ter Bogt, T., & Meeus, W. (2008). De rol van gelijkheid in muziekvoorkeuren in vriendschapsformatie en vriendschapsverbreking [the role of equal music preferences in friendship formation and friendship termination]. Pedagogiek, 28(2)99-113.,_susan_branje,_tom_ter_bogt___wim_meeus,_de_rol_van_gelijkheid_in_muziekvoorkeuren_in_vriendschapsformatie_en_vriendschapsverbreking.pdf

Selfhout, M. H. W., Delsing, M., Meeus W., & ter Bogt, T. (2008). Heavy metal and hip-hop style preferences and externalizing problem behavior: A two-wave longitudinal study. Youth & Society, 39(4), 435-452. 



Selfhout, M. H. W., Branje, S., Raaijmakers, Q., & Meeus, W. (2007). Similarity in adolescent friendships: The role of gender. Netherlands Journal of Psychology, 63(2)42-48. 


Selfhout, M. H. W., Branje, S., & Meeus, W. (2007). Surfen, chatten en internaliserende problemen: De rol van kwaliteit van vriendschap [Surfing, chatting, and internalizing problems: The role of friendship quality]. Kind en Adolescent, 28, 52-60.