Dr. rer. nat. Shirin Betzler

Fachbereich 3: Erziehungs- und Kulturwissenschaften
Heger-Tor-Wall 9
Wintersemester 2024/25
Expert:innenmentoring Psychologie Mentoring for psychology students by practicing psychologists
seit 2017 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Psychologie, aktuell Leitung des Expert:innenmentoring-Programms
2017 -2024 Promotion zum Thema: Einflussfaktoren auf nachhaltiges Konsumverhalten, Abschluss Dr. rer. nat.
2020 -2024 Projekt "Wertketten und Konsumentscheidungen – Fernwirkung von Governance und Produktbiographien am Beispiel von Kakao"
2014 - 2017 M.Sc. Interkulturelle Psychologie, Universität Osnabrück
2015 - 2017 Mitarbeit im Projekt "eCoInnovateIT - Nachhaltiger Konsum von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie"
2016 Forschungsaufenthalt an der Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
2014 Research Internship an der Kenyatta University Nairobi, Kenia
2010 - 2014 B.Sc. Psychologie, Universität Heidelberg
Betzler, S., Kempen, R., & Mueller, K. (2021). Predicting Sustainable Consumption: Knowledge-Based, Emotional, Rational and Value-Based Influences on ICT, Food and Fashion Consumption. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. doi: 10.1080/13504509.2021.1930272
Kempen, R., & Betzler, S. (2021). More than a thousand words? The effect of photographic material on problem awareness and behavioral intentions regarding the sustainable consumption of mobile phones. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption. 3, 100018, doi: 10.1016/j.clrc.2021.100018
Betzler, S., Kempen, R., Boelke, F., Schmeiduch, L., & Mueller, K. (accepted). Nachhaltige Naschkatze: Einfluss von Verpackungsinformationen von Schokoladentafeln auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft von Verbraucher*innen. 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Chemnitz, Germany.
Schmeiduch, L., Betzler, S., Kempen, R., & Mueller, K. (accepted). Nachhaltige Entwicklung durch solidarische Landwirtschaft: Welche Faktoren beeinflussen das Engagement in transformativen Gemeinschaften? 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Chemnitz, Germany.
Schmeiduch, L., Blumenschein, P., Betzler, S., Kempen, R., & Mueller, K. (accepted). Pathways to sustainable action: Narratives in transformative communities. 20th European Round Table on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Graz, Austria.
Betzler, S., Kempen, R., Schmeiduch, L., Jensen, A., & Jung, J. (2020). Fostering sustainable consumption practices: A behavior-focused training measure in schools. SCORAI 2020 Conference, Boston, USA.
Schmeiduch, L., Betzler, S. & Mueller, K. (2020). Transformation by community – Developing an integrative collective action framework to explain participation in transformative sustainable-oriented communities. 4th International SCORAI Conference 2020, Boston, USA.
Kempen, R., Betzler, S., Haensse, L., & Klanke, C. (2019). Furthering sustainable consumption behavior of smartphones: the effect of photographic material and message framing. 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, Italy.
Engel, A. M., Straatmann, T., Schefer, M., Hattrup, K., Betzler, S., & Mueller, K. (2019). Core-Self Evaluation training for apprentices. 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, Italy.
Pollex, J., Kempen, R., Betzler, S., & Haucke, F. (2019). Reducing complexity to support sustainable consumption behaviour - interdisciplinary insights and research perspectives. Leverage Points 2019 International conference on sustainability research and transformations, Lüneburg, Germany.
Betzler, S. & Kempen, R. (2018). Promotion of Sustainable Consumption Competence in Vocational Training of Students at Technical Professional Colleges in Costa Rica. III Congreso Internacional de Sostenibilidad Ambiental y Territorial, San José, Costa Rica.
Betzler, S., Haucke, F., Kempen, R., Lenschow, A., Maeschig, F., Meier, A., (...) & Pollex, J. (2018). Acknowledging the complexity of consumers: An integrative model for sustainable ICT consumption. SCORAI 2018 Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Betzler, S., Haucke, F., Kempen, R., Mäschig, F., Meier, A. & Pollex, J. (2018). Designing individual choice to promote sustainable consumption behaviour - how behavioural science can be effectively linked to behavioural public policy. 68th Political Studies Association, Cardiff, UK.
Betzler, S. (2016). Sustainable consumption of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the digital society - dialogue and transformation through open innovation. A web survey on smartphones. Degrowth Conference 2016, Budapest, Hungary.