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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Uwe Beginn

Chemie/Organische Materialchemie

Tel.: +49 541 969-2790
Fax: +49 541 969-2370

Raum: 34/130
Fachbereich 5: Biologie/Chemie
Barbarastraße 11
49076 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: n.V.


Sommersemester 2024
CHE-Aktuelle Ergebnisse aus der Chemie OC
CHE-EOCBioS_v1, Biologisch wichtige Stoffklassen - Heterocyclen, Kohlenhydrate, Aminosäuren, Steroide Erweiterungsmodul
CHE-EOCBioS_v1, Übungen - Biologisch wichtige Stoffklassen - Heterocyclen, Kohlenhydrate, Aminosäuren, Steroide Erweiterungsmodul
CHE-EOCSpecAn Spektroskopische Methoden
CHE-FunP, Part 2, Excercises for Lecture on Functional Polymers II Excercises for Master NanoScience
CHE-FunP, Part 2, Functional Polymers Vorlesung zu Masterstudiengang Nanosciences
Forschungsseminar der Abteilung Organische Materialchemie privatissime sed gratis
Institutsvorträge Kolloquium



1971 – 1975 Grundschule in D-50169 Kerpen-Horrem
1975 – 1984 Gutenberg-Gymnasium in D-50126 Bergheim
Juni 1984: Abitur am Gutenberg-Gymnasium, Bergheim

Akademische Ausbildung:

WS 84/85 – WS 90/91: Studium der Chemie an der Universität zu Köln

Jan. – Dez. 1990 : Diplomchemiker – Vorprüfung SS 86
Diplomchemiker – Hauptprüfung WS 90 /91
Diplomarbeit am Institut für Physikalische Chemie I bei Prof. Chr. Schneider

14.02.91-31.12.93 : Anfertigung der Dissertation an der Universität Bayreuth, Makromolekulare Chemie I
bei Prof. O. Nuyken
21.02.1994 : Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat, TU München, Institut für Technische Chemie, Lehrstuhl
für Makromolekulare Stoffe bei Prof. O. Nuyken

01.05.94–14.03.95 : PostDoc an der Universität Bayreuth, Institut für Makromolekulare Chemie II bei
Prof. C. D. Eisenbach über NLO – aktive Hauptkettenpolymere aus Amino-Nitro-

15.03.95-07.06.00 : Habilitationsarbeit an der Universität Ulm, Abteilung Organische Chemie III
– Makromolekulare Chemie und Materialien, Leiter: Prof. M. Möller

15.05.2001 : Abschluß des Habilitationsverfahrens und Erlangung der venia legendi als
Privatdozent für Organische und Makromolekulare Chemie


14.02.91-31.12.93 : Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter, Universität Bayreuth, Institut für
Makromolekulare Chemie I.

01.05.94-14.03.95 : Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter, Universität Bayreuth, Institut für
Makromolekulare Chemie II

15.03.95–31.10.99 : Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter (BAT IIa), Universität Ulm, Abteilung
Organische Chemie III – Makromolekulare Chemie und Materialien

01.11.99–30.09.02 : Wissenschaftlicher Assistent (C1), Universität Ulm / OC-III

01.10.02-30.03.07 : Hochschuldozent (C2), RWTH Aachen / ITMC - TexMC

01.04.07-23.05.07 : Verwaltung des Lehrstuhls "Organische Materialchemie" am Institut für
Chemie der Universität Osnabrück

Wissenschaftliche Ehrungen:

1997 Stipendium der Fachgruppe Makromolekulare Chemie der GDCh im Rahmen des
Raimund Stadler Habilitandenkolloquiums 1997
2001 Stipendium der Fachgruppe Makromolekulare Chemie der GDCh im Rahen des
Herrmann Schnell Symposiums 2001
2003 Stipendium der Max-Buchner Stiftung für das Projekt "Ultrafeine Metall-
netzwerke durch Mineralisation von (Edel)Metallen in supramolekularen
2004 Förderpreis der Thomas Manchot (vorm. Pinguin)-Stiftung für das Projekt
"Entwicklung eines variablen Primersystems zur kovalenten Anbindung von
Karbonfasern an Epoxydharz - Matrixsysteme"


Titel der Dissertation:
„Synthese und Charakterisierung neuer nieder- und hochmolekularer supramolekularer Mesogene“, TU München, 1994

Titel der Habilitationsschrift:
“Rational Design of Supramolecular Organogelators And Their Application for the Preparation of Functional Membranes“, Universität Ulm, 2001


[1] U. Beginn, "Continuous Addition Polymerization", e-Polymers, E_003, 1-109 [2005].

[2] U. Beginn, H. Keul, D. Klee, M. Möller, A. Mourran, K. Peter, O. Weichold, "Makromolekulare Chemie 2003", Nachr. Chem. 52, 324 - 331 (2004).

[3] U. Beginn, “Thermotropic columnar mesophases from NHO, and NHO hydrogen bond supramolecular mesogenes”, Prog. Polym. Sci. 28, 1049 – 1105 (2003).

[4] U. Beginn, M. Möller, “Supramolecular Structures with Macromolecules“ in “Supramolecular Technology“ (Ed.: D. N. Reinhoudt), Vol. 4, Chap. 3, p. 89 – 176, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1999.

[5] U. Beginn, “Supramolecular Templates as Porogenes“, Advanced Materials 10, 1391 - 1394 (1998).

[6] M. Arndt, U. Beginn, T. Heinze, H. Motschmann, „Neue Horizonte in der Polymerforschung - wissenschaftliches Resummee der Fachgruppentagung Makromolekulare Chemie der GDCh, Mainz, 23.-24. März 1998“, Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium 46, 1169 - 1171 (1998).


[1] X. Zhu, U. Beginn, M. Moeller, R. I. Gearba, D. V. Anokhin, D. A. Ivanov, "Self-Organization of Polybases Neutralized with Mesogenic Wedge-Shaped Sulfonic Acid Molecules: An Approach toward Supramolecular Cylinders.", J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 128, 16928 – 16937 (2006).

[2] K. Albrecht, A. Mourran, X. Zhu, R. I. Gearba, J. Groll, T. Markkula, U. Beginn, W. H. de Jeu, D. A. Ivanov, M. Moeller, "Supramolecular approach to hierarchical structures in thin films of block copolymers complexed with liquid crystalline amphiphilic molecules", PMSE Preprints 95, 475 – 476 (2006).

[3] U. Beginn, "Monomer addition programs to generate constant gradient block copolymers", Polymer 47(19), 6880 – 6894 (2006).

[4] X. Zhu, M. A. Scherbina, A. V. Bakirov, B. Gorzolnik, S. N. Chvalun, U. Beginn, M. Moeller, "Methacrylated Self-Organizing 2,3,4-Tris(alkoxy)benzenesulfonate: A New Concept Toward Ion-Selective Membranes", Chemistry of Materials 18(19), 4667 - 4673 (2006).

[5] U. Beginn, R. Najjar, J. Ellmann, R. Vinokur, R. Martin, M. Möller, "Copolymerization of vinylidene difluoride with hexafluoropropene in supercritical carbon dioxide", J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 44(3), 1299 - 1316 (2006).

[6] M. Moeller, X. Zhu, K. Albrecht, U. Beginn, A. Mourran, M. O. Gallyamov, R. I. Gearba, D. I. Ivanov, "Supramolecular self-organization of polybases complexed with wedge-shaped sulfonic acid molecules". PMSE Preprints 94, 199 (2006).

[7] T. Kitahara, M. Shirakawa, S.-I. Kawano, U. Beginn, N. Fujita, S. Shinkai, "Creation of a Mixed-Valence State from One-Dimensionally Aligned TTF Utilizing the Self-Assembling Nature of a Low Molecular-Weight Gel.", J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 127(43), 14980 – 14981 (2005).

[8] U. Beginn, "COPOINT – a simple computer program to determine copolymerization parameters by numerical integration of copolymerization equations", e-Polymers 073, 1 – 24 (2005).

[9] U. Beginn, L. Yan, X. Zhu, S. Chvalun, M. Möller, "Mimicking Ion Channels by Polymerizable Supramolecular Stacks of Wedge-Shaped Tris(alkenyl-oxy)Benzene Sulfonates", Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering 93, 244 – 245 (2005).

[10] U. Beginn, S. Weinmann, M. Möller, "Organogels as tool to generate anion : cation selective membranes", Chem. Eng. Commun. 192(8), 1116 - 1128 (2005).

[11] E. Fischer, U. Beginn, N. Fatkullin, R. Kimmich, "Field-gradient NMR diffusometry in poly(ethylene oxide) melts confined to nanoscopic pores of solid methacrylate matrices.", Magnetic Resonance Imaging 23(2), 379-381 (2005).

[12] X. Zhu, B. Tartsch, U. Beginn, M. Möller, "Wedge-Shaped Molecules with a Sulfonate Group at the Tip
– A New Class of Self-Assembling Amphiphiles", Chem. Eur. J.10(16), 3871 - 3878 (2004).

[13] O. Weichold, X. Zhu, U. Beginn, V. Percec, M. Möller, "Polyelectrolyte-Dendron Complexes: A Route to Template Polymers", Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 91, 202 (2004)

[14] S. Yao, U. Beginn, T. Greß, F. Würthner, "Supramolecular Polymerization and Gel Formation of Bis-Merocyanine Dyes Driven by Dipolar Aggregation", J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 126, 8336 - 8348 (2004).

[15] N. Fatkullin, E. Fischer, C. Mattea, U. Beginn, R. Kimmich, "Polymer dynamics under nanoscopic constraints: The “corset effect” as revealed by NMR relaxometry and diffusometry", Chem. Phys. Chem. 5, 884 - 894 (2004).

[16] E. Fischer, U. Beginn, N. Fatkullin, R. Kimmich, "Nanoscopic Poly(ethylene oxide) Strands Embedded in Semi-Interpenetrating Methacrylate Networks. Preparation Method and Quantitative Characterization by Field-Gradient NMR Diffusometry", Macromolecules 37(9), 3277 - 3286 (2004).

[17] N. Fatkullin, R. Kimmich, C. Mattea, E. Fischer, U. Beginn, M. Kroutievka, "The confined-to-bulk dynamics transition of polymer melts in nanoscopic pores of solid matrices with varying pore diameter", New J. Phys. 6, 1 - 12 (2004).

[18] R. Kimmich, N. Fatkullin, E. Fischer, C. Mattea, U. Beginn, "Reptation in Artificial Tubes and the Corset Effect of Confined Polymer Dynamics", MRS Proceedings 790, 107 - 118 (2004).

[19] A. Mourran, U. Beginn, G. Zipp, M. Möller, "Surface Orientation of 3,4,5-Tris-Substituted Benzoic Acid Amphiphiles", Langmuir 20(3), 673 – 679 (2004).

[20] F. Würthner, S. Yao, U. Beginn, "Highly Ordered Merocyanine Dye Assemblies by Supramolecular Polymerization and Hierarchical Self-Organization", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 42(28), 3247 – 3250 (2003).

[21] U. Beginn, "Applicability of frozen gels from ultra high molecular weight polyethylene and paraffin waxes as shape persistent solid / liquid phase change materials", Macromol. Mater. Eng. 288, 245 – 251 (2003).

[22] U. Haas, C. Thalacker, J. Adams, J. Fuhrmann, S. Riethmüller, U. Beginn, U. Ziener, M. Möller, R. Dobrawa, F. Würthner, “Fabrication and fluorescence properties of perylene bisimide dye aggregates bound to gold surfaces and nanopatterns”, J. Mater. Chem. 13, 767 – 772 (2003).

[23] E. Fischer, U. Beginn, A. Denissov, M. Kroutieva, N. Fatkullin, R. Kimmich, "NMR diffusometry on poly(ethylene oxide) confined to nanoporous methacrylate matrices", Polymer Preprints (American Chemical Society, Division of Polymer Chemistry) 44(1), 295 – 296 (2003).

[24] R. Kimmich, E. Fischer, U. Beginn, N. Fatkullin, A. Denissov, M. Kroutieva, "Polymer chain dynamics in nanopores". Abstracts of Papers, 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States, March 23-27, 2003.

[25] H. Götz, U. Beginn, C. F. Bartelink, H. J. M. Grünbauer, M. Möller, "Preparation of Isophorone Diisocyanate Terminated Star Polyethers", Macromol. Mater. Eng. 287, 223 – 230 (2002).

[26] M. Möller, X. Zhu, U. Beginn, ”Template polymerization of monodendritic monomers.” Abstracts of Papers, 223rd ACS National Meeting, Orlando, FL, United States, April 7-11, 2002.

[27] U. Beginn, S. Weinmann, M. Möller, "Organogels as tool to generate anion : cation selective membranes", AIChE Symp. Ser. 153, 406 – 415 (2001)

[28] U. Beginn, B. Tartsch, "Bis[(alkoxy)benzoylsemicarbazides] – a new class of powerful organogelators", Chem. Commun. 2001, 1924 – 1925.

[29] S. Höger, K. Bonrad, A. Mourran, U. Beginn, M. Möller, "Synthesis, Aggregation, and Adsorption Phenomena of Shape persistent Macrocycles with extraannular Polyalkyl Substituents", J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 123, 5651 – 5659 (2001).

[30] S. A. Prokhorova, S. S. Sheiko, A. Mourran, R. Azumi, U. Beginn, G. Zipp, C.-H. Ahn, M. N. Holerca, V. Percec, M. Möller, "Epitaxial Adsorption of Monodendron-Jacketed Linear Polymers on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite", Langmuir 16, 6862 – 6867 (2000).

[31] U. Beginn, S. S. Sheiko, M. Möller, "Self-Organizing of 3,4,5-Tris(octyloxy)benzamide in Solution and Embedding of the Aggregates into Methacrylate Resins", Macromol. Chem. Phys. 201, 1008 - 1015 (2000).

[32] C. F. Bartelink, M. de Pooter, H. J. M. Grünbauer, U. Beginn, M. Möller, "Controlled formation of isocyanate – terminated star polyethers avoiding chain extension", J. Polym. Sci. A. Polym. Chem. 38, 2555 - 2565 (2000).

[33] U. Beginn, G. Zipp, M. Möller, ‘Synthesis and Characterization of tris-methacrylated 3,4,5-Tris[(alkoxy)benzoyloxy]benzoate derivatives‘, Chem. Europ. J. 6, 2016 – 2023 (2000).

[34] U. Beginn, E. Fischer, T. Pieper, F. Mellinger, R. Kimmich, M. Möller, “Controlled preparation of nanometer sized supramolecular cylinders of poly(ethylene oxide) embedded in methacrylate matrices“, J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym Chem. 38, 2041 – 2056 (2000)

[35] U. Beginn, G. Zipp, A. Mourran, M. Möller, “Membranes Containing Oriented Supramolecular Channels“, Advanced Materials 12, 513 – 516 (2000)

[36] U. Beginn, G. Zipp, M. Möller, “Functional Membranes Containing Ion-Selective ‘Matrix Fixed Supramolecular Channels‘ “, Advanced Materials 12, 510 – 513 (2000)

[37] U. Beginn, G. Zipp, M. Möller, “Self-organization of liquid crystalline methacrylate-trifunctionalized amphiphilic crown-ether derivates in methacrylate mixtures“, J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem. 38, 631 - 640 (2000)

[38] R. Kimmich, N. Fatkullin, R.-O. Seitter, E. Fischer, U. Beginn, M. Möller, “Intra and Inter-chain Fluctuations in Entangled Polymer Melts in Bulk and Confined to Pore Channels”, Macromol. Symp. 146, 109 – 115 (1999).

[39] U. Beginn, E. Fischer, T. Pieper, F. Mellinger, R. Kimmich, M. Möller, “Controlled preparation of nanometer sized cylinder crystals of poly(ethylene oxide) embedded in methacrylate matrices“, Amer. Chem. Soc. Polym. Prepr. 40, 561- 562 (1999).

[40] R. Kimmich, R.-O. Seitter, U. Beginn, M. Möller, N, Faitkullin, „Field-cycling NMR relaxometry of polymers confined to artificial tubes: verification of the exponent 3/4 in the spin-lattice relaxation dispersion predicted by the reptation model“, Chem. Phys. Lett. 307, 147 – 152 (1999).

[41] E. Fischer, R. Kimmich, U. Beginn, M. Möller, N. Faitkullin “Segment diffusion in polymers confined in nanopores: A fringe field NMR diffusometry study“, Phys. Rev. E. 59, 4079 - 4084 (1999).

[42] U. Beginn, G. Zipp, M. Möller, „Polymerisierbare selbstorganisierende Kronenetherderivate für Matrix-fixierte supramolekulare Transportkanäle“, (Hrsg. W. Michaeli, R. Mülhaupt, M. Möller, H. Riedel), Werkstoffwoche 98 – Bd. VIII: Polymere / Simulation Polymere, S. 71 - 76, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 1999.

[43] S. A. Prokhorova, S. S. Sheiko, A. Mourran, A. E. Semenov, M. Möller, U. Beginn, G. Zipp, C.-H. Ahn, V. Percec, "Epitaxial adsorption of monodendron jacketed linear Polymers on HOPG studied by SFM and STM", Polym. Mat. Sci. Eng. 80, 185 - 186 (1999).

[44] U. Beginn, S. Keinath , M. Möller, "New Carbohydrate Amphiphiles, Part II. Gelation Properties", Macromol. Chem. Phys. 199, 2379 - 2384 (1998).

[45] T. Zavada, S. Stapf, U. Beginn, R. Kimmich, “Field-cycling NMR relaxometry of molecules undergoing Lévy walks at the surface of fine particles and porous glass“, Magnetic Resonance Imaging 16, 711 - 713 (1998).

[46] V. Percec, G. Johansson, G. Zipp, U. Beginn, M. Möller, "Synthesis and characerization of mono-methacrylate functionalized self organizing crown ether compounds", Macromol. Chem. Phys. 198, 265 – 277 (1997)

[47] G. Zipp, U. Beginn, M. Möller, "Self-organization of a liquid crystaline methacrylate-monofunctionalized crown-ether compound in low-shrinkage acrylate mixture", Macromol. Chem. Phys. 198, 2839 - 2852 (1997)

[48] U. Beginn, C. Drohmann, M. Möller, "Conversion Dependence of the Branching Density for the Polycondenzation of ABn monomers", Macromolecules 30, 4112 – 4116 (1997).

[49] U. Beginn, S. Keinath , M. Möller, "New Carbohydrate Amphiphiles, Part I. Synthesis", Liquid Crystals 23, 35 - 41 (1997).

[50] U. Beginn, G. Lattermann, "Supramolecular Mesophases via Hydrogen Bonding in Main Chain Polyhydrazides", Polymer Preprints 37, 70 - 71 (1996).

[51] U. Beginn, G. Lattermann, R. Festag, J. H. Wendorff, "Mesogenic Low and Polymeric Hydrazides, Part II: Mesophase Characterization", Acta Polymerica 47, 214 - 218 (1996).

[52] U. Beginn, G. Lattermann, "Mesogenic Low and Polymeric Hydrazides, Part I: Synthesis", Macromol. Rep. A32(7), 985 - 997 (1995).

[53] U. Beginn, G. Lattermann, "Liquid Crystalline Primary Benzamides", Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 241, 215 - 219 (1994).

[1] Chr. Kirsten, M. Moeller, M. Kraus, O. Lammerschop, W. Wolfgang, U. Beginn, “Copolymers containing fluorine, method for the production and use thereof”, Henkel Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Germany, PCT Int. Appl. (2003), 100 pp. World Patent, WO 2002-EP11276 20021009. Priority: DE 2001-10150954; DE 2002-10231643.

[2] H. Van Aert, B. Groenendaal, H. Andriessen, M. Möller, U. Beginn, A. Mourran, “Heat-sensitive lithographic printing plate precursor”, AGFA-Gevaert, Belgium, EPC Application 04105542.7-2304, 05.11.2004, U.S. Pat. Publ. (2005), US 20050106501 A1 20050519 AN.

[3] M. Moeller, U. Beginn, H. Keul, H. Thomas, "Method for producing adherent coatings to solid surfaces. " DWI an der RWTH Aachen e.V., Germany, Eur. Pat. Appl. (2006), 20pp., EP 1710282 A1 20061011 Application: EP 2005-7306 20050404.