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Selected research and transfer projects


Important projects funded by third parties

"Stress reaction profile and determinants in simulated emergency situations: Studies in the simulation center Düsseldorf". First Applicant: Prof. Dr. Ursula Stockhorst; Co-applicants: Prof. Dr. Renate Deinzer (Giessen); Apl.-Prof. Dr. Olaf Picker (Düsseldorf). (DFG STO 323 / 2-1).

2010: Research Pool of the University of Osnabrück, Startup Financing: "Stress, Gender and Learning: Effects of Stress Exposure on Basic Learning Processes of Fear and Eyelid Conditioning in Men and Women"

2005-2009: "Insulin in the CNS: Effects on food intake, memory and metabolic parameters in healthy and in clinical groups" (DFG STO 323 / 1-2)

2000-2003: The Wellcome Trust, London, England. Status of a Collaborator on a Grant. Title: "Alleviation of conditioned nausea: Clinical and laboratory studies". Principal Applicants: Prof. Dr. G. Hall, Department of Psychology, University of York, Heslington, York, UK.

1996-2003 "Classical conditioning of glucose-altering manipulations in humans". (DFG STO 323 / 1-1)

Other Current Projects
Odor and taste perception under metabolic control
Effects of estrogen and progesterone in the central nervous system (CNS): Memory of emotional and neutral contents in different menstrual cycle phases and with contraceptive use

Important cooperation partners
Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Hall, Department of Psychology, University of York, York, UK.
Prof. Dr. Stephen C. Woods, University of Cincinnati, Department of Psychiatry, Obesity Research Center, Cincinnati, USA
Prof. Dr. Roland Brandt, Institute of Neurobiology, University of Osnabrück
Institute of Clinical Neurosciences and Medical Psychology, University of Düsseldorf
Prof. Dr. Renate Deinzer, Institute of Medical Psychology, University of Giessen
Prof. Dr. Paul Enck, Internal Medicine Clinic VI: Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University of TübingenPr

TAP 2 – SUBTAP 3: Team

Head of subfield:

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ursula Stockhorst

General Psychology II and Biological Psychology
Institute of Psychology
Seminarstrasse 20
49074 Osnabrück
Room: 15/220

Phone: +49 541 969-4078
Fax: +49 541 969-4922

Office hours: by appointment

Research assistants
Dr. rer. nat. Martin Ivanov Antov

General Psychology II and Biological Psychology
Institute of Psychology
Seminarstrasse 20
49074 Osnabrück
Room: 15/219

Phone: +49 541 969-4530
Fax: +49 541 969-4922

Office hours: by appointment

Philipp Bierwirth, M. Sc.

General Psychology II and Biological Psychology
Institute of Psychology
Seminarstrasse 20
49074 Osnabrück
Room: 15/218

Phone: +49 541 969-4275
Fax: +49 541 969-4922

Office hours: by appointment

Office administration

Carina Mathias

General Psychology II and Biological Psychology
Institute of Psychology
Seminarstrasse 20
49074 Osnabrück
Room: 15/216

Phone: +49 541 969-4411
Fax: +49 541 969-4922

Office hours: Monday and Wednesday

Ingrid Sidortschuck

General Psychology II and Biological Psychology
Institute of Psychology
Seminarstrasse 20
49074 Osnabrück
Room: 15/216

Tel.: +49 541 969-4411
Fax: +49 541 969-4922

Office hours: by appointment

Technical Support

Ralf Zimmermann, Dipl.-Ing.

General Psychology II and Biological Psychology
Institute of Psychology
Seminarstrasse 20
49074 Osnabrück
Room: 15/420

Phone: +49 541 969-4649
Fax: +49 541 969-14649

Office hours: by appointment